2.4. GitHub Actions and Workflow Tutorial#

In this tutorial, we will explore GitHub Actions and Workflow, and learn how to create automated workflows for your projects.

2.4.1. Introduction to GitHub Actions#

GitHub Actions is a powerful feature that allows you to automate tasks, build, test, and deploy your code directly from your GitHub repository. It provides a flexible and customizable way to streamline your development process.

2.4.2. Understanding Workflows#

Workflows in GitHub Actions are defined using YAML files. A workflow is a series of steps that are executed when certain events occur, such as a push to a repository or the creation of a pull request.

2.4.3. Creating a Workflow#

To create a workflow, you need to define a YAML file in the .github/workflows directory of your repository. Let’s create a simple workflow that gets triggered whenever a push event occurs.

name: CI

            - main

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest

            - name: Checkout repository
                uses: actions/checkout@v2

            - name: Running tests and building
                run: |
                    echo "Hello I am going to run something here and check the contents"
                    echo $HOSTNAME

In the above example, we have defined a workflow named “CI” that runs on the main branch whenever a push event occurs. The workflow consists of a single job named “build” that runs on an Ubuntu environment.

The steps within the job define the actions to be performed. In this case, we have two steps: “Checkout repository” and “Build and test”. You can customize these steps based on your project requirements.

2.4.4. Triggering the Workflow#

Once you have defined the workflow, it will automatically be triggered whenever a push event occurs on the specified branch. You can also manually trigger the workflow from the Actions tab in your repository.

2.4.5. Conclusion#

GitHub Actions and Workflow provide a powerful way to automate your development process. By defining workflows, you can streamline your build, test, and deployment tasks, saving time and effort. Experiment with different actions and customize your workflows to suit your project needs. More on GitHub actions.