Brief course on git

1. Brief course on git#

This chapters gives a walk through on the idea of Version Control System (VCS) along with a hands on introduction to git system. We will be using GitHub as the remote service to host the repositories.


Do not get confused between git and GitHub. Git is a distributed version control system primarily used for tracking changes in source code during software development. It allows multiple developers to collaborate on projects and manage their revisions efficiently. Git operates locally on your computer, meaning you can work on projects offline and commit changes to your local repository.

GitHub, on the other hand, is a web-based platform that provides hosting for Git repositories. It adds a layer of collaboration features on top of Git. GitHub allows you to store your Git repositories in the cloud, making it easier for teams to work together on projects. It provides tools for code review, issue tracking, project management, and integration with other services. GitHub also serves as a platform for open-source community contributions, enabling developers worldwide to share and contribute to projects.