13.2. EIC installation and geometry#

13.2.1. eic-shell#

Please check out here for the tutorials from EIC ePIC collaboration.

  • mkdir -p $EIC_PROJECT_DIR/eic && cd $EIC_PROJECT_DIR/eic

  • Download the install file – wget --output-document install.sh https://get.epic-eic.org

  • install the file – bash install.sh

  • Check your installation – eic-shell and should load the container.

  • With HPC systems that have cvfms (CernVM File System), the containers with variety of versons are shipped. if needed a different version to be loaded. If not one has to download versions seperately using singularity pull

13.2.2. dd4hep#

Please check out here for the tutorials from EIC ePIC collaboration.

  • source /opt/detector/epic-main/bin/thisepic.sh – sources all the necessary environment variables to identify the detector xml files.

  • look into a few variables – $DETECTOR_PATH, $DETECTOR, $DETECTOR_CONFIG

  • Look into the xml file – vim ${DETECTOR_PATH}/${DETECTOR}.xml

  • Visualize the geometry by – dd_web_display /path/to/xml

  • run overlap checks to see if any geometries are overlapping by – `` Exercise#

  • Visualize the geometry files for far forward, dRICH and inner detectors. Having own version of the geometry#


  • If not in eic-shell then ./eic/eic-shell

  • git clone https://github.com/eic/epic.git

  • mkdir $EIC_PROJECT_DIR/epic_install $EIC_PROJECT_DIR/epic_build


  • cmake --build $EIC_PROJECT_DIR/epic_build -j8

  • cmake --install $EIC_PROJECT_DIR/epic_build

  • source $EIC_PROJECT_DIR/epic_install/bin/thisepic.sh Exercise#

  • Repeat the same steps as above

  • Try to change the dimensions of say the cylindrical inner tracker. Caveats#

In nodes without a internet connections, the scripts fail due to the fact the calibration files cannot be downloaded. This is the case in JLab’s farm nodes as well as some nodes in W&M. To circumvent this, one can in download all necessary calibration files and place them in the ${DETECTOR_PATH}/calibrations folder

  1. Within the eic-shell and with all neccessary epic_install, run dd_web_display  ${DETECTOR_PATH}/${DETECTOR_CONFIG}.xml

  2. This should produce calibrations and fieldmaps.

  3. cp -r calibrations/* $DETECTOR_PATH/calibrations/

  4. cp -r fieldmaps $DETECTOR_PATH/calibrations/

Now, you have neccesary calibration files for the detector configuration you are using.